Oil Rig Jobs -U.S. oil shale explosion puts large squeeze on small towns

Oil Rig Jobs -U.S. oil shale explosion puts large squeeze on small towns

Oil Rig Jobs -The suspected kidnapping and murder of a Montana teacher by two men said to be seeking work in the oilfields of North Dakota underscores the darker side of a regional energy boom that has pumped jobs and money as well as newcomers and crime into rural towns.

Stepped-up oil rig jobs development in northwestern North Dakota and northeastern Montana is punctuating the landscape with drilling rigs, trucks and hastily erected barracks, known as "man camps," to house thousands of mostly male workers crowding into small communities where residents once greeted each other by name and left their homes and cars unlocked.

Even as oil and gas companies pour hundreds of millions of tax dollars into those states, leaders of boomtowns like Williston, North Dakota, and neighboring Sidney, Montana, say they are ill-equipped to cope with the rapid influx of people, traffic, construction, crime and soaring demand for housing.

"If it had been gradual ... but that's not how a boom works; the thing happens overnight," said David Montgomery, a Williams County commissioner whose district encompasses Williston, where the population has swelled to an estimated 20,000 from 14,000 in 2010.

In Sidney, Montana, about 45 miles southwest of Williston, officials have been scrambling to keep pace with oil and gas activity that is expected to double the population- from 5,000 to 10,000 - in five years and add an estimated 774 new students to the public school system.

The town was unprepared for a months-long spike in crime that culminated Jan. 7 with the abduction and violent death of a local high school math teacher, Sherry Arnold, according to Mayor Bret Smelser.

"Sherry's case brings all of this into focus," he said.

Two men, Lester Vann Waters, 47, and Michael Keith Spell, 22, are charged with aggravated kidnapping in the disappearance of Arnold, who authorities believe was snatched off the street as she jogged near the suspects along a truck route in Sidney.

According to the sworn statement of the prosecutor overseeing the investigation, Waters was looking for a woman to abduct and kill when he strangled Arnold, 43, in a crack cocaine-induced frenzy in the back of his Ford Explorer.

The prosecutor's affidavit says Spell confessed to helping bury Arnold in a shallow grave. Her body has not been recovered.

Court documents say the two men had come from Parachute, Colorado, a city that has experienced economic ebbs and flows linked to oil shale, to find work in Williston.

Overwhelmed in Williston:

Thousands of high-paying jobs have prompted the unemployed and under-employed from cash-strapped states across the nation to flock to the Williston area.

The energy boom is tied to a vast oil shale formation that stretches across parts of North Dakota, Montana and Canada. The Bakken formation contains the largest known reserve of light sweet crude in North America and is the source of 113 million barrels of oil produced in 2010 in North Dakota. The sparsely populated state ranked behind only Texas, Alaska and California among U.S. oil producers.

The Bakken was discovered in 1951, but development -which has occurred off and on since then - accelerated about three years ago along with the advent of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. The production-boosting technique injects large amounts of water, chemicals and sand underground to crack rocks or dense sands holding fuel.

Senior citizens on fixed incomes and other residents unable to meet monthly rents that can skyrocket from $300 to $3,000 have been pushed out of the community even as some oilfield workers living in their cars - despite annual salaries that can top $100,000 -have joined a local health club to gain access to the facility's showers.

Fast-food and retail chains have been hard-pressed to retain workers amid the lure of higher-paying, plentiful oil field jobs, and long lines have become commonplace in motels, restaurants and grocery stores. Business also has climbed at the two strip clubs in the city.

"It will never be the same-but that's progress," said Montgomery, a native.

Fear and firearms:

Evidence in Sidney and in Williston suggests worries about the downsides of the energy boom are displacing the optimism that came with ramped-up production and revenues.

"Without Sherry, we had some people looking and thinking, 'We may need to re-think this,'" Smelser said. "With her death, people are saying, 'We really do need to re-think this.'"

Having suffered the gravest harm, the city is now looking for a heftier share of the taxes paid by energy companies so that Sidney can augment its law enforcement and other municipal services, the mayor said.

The farming community enrolled 101 new students last year with no additional revenues to offset the increase, said Dan Farr, superintendent of Sidney schools.

"We have received families from every state in the union, and the culture in the classroom has changed," he said, adding that teachers have logged long hours restructuring lessons and lesson plans to encompass varying degrees of academic ability.

Talk in town since Arnold vanished has centered on "how are we going to protect ourselves," said Joanna Hughes, co-owner of a Sidney consignment store that carries firearms.

In the span of a year, the shop has doubled the number of handguns and rifles it stocks, and sales are soaring, she said.

The sense of foreboding has not stopped at the state line.

"There is a lot of fear in northwest North Dakota right now, especially with what's happened to Mrs. Arnold," said Montgomery, the county commissioner from Williston.

Utah State University sociologist Richard Krannich said years-long studies of boomtowns in the West show a sharp rise in negative consequences such as crime and the fear of crime in the earliest phases of a boom.

"But we also saw the recovery once the initial phase ended and the workforce stabilized, the pressure on local services eased and infrastructure caught up with demand," he said.

That recovery can't come too soon for some.

 "When I look at Sidney, as opposed to a large city where crime happens frequently, these things aren't supposed to happen in small-town USA," Farr, the school superintendent, said.If you are looking to get started in the oil rig industry, Alberta Oil Careers are a great place to begin. To learn more about the oil industry, check out http://www.albertaoilcareers.com.
Study tags 65,000 jobs, $4.9B increase to Ohio shale

Study tags 65,000 jobs, $4.9B increase to Ohio shale

Oil Rig Jobs -An academic team enlisted by Ohio's business sector released a study Tuesday that finds oil and gas drilling will mean more than 65,000 jobs and an almost $4.9 billion investment in the state's economy by 2014.

Findings of the eight-month study were released to the media and members of the Ohio Shale Coalition, a partnership of energy interests spearheaded by the Ohio Chamber of Commerce.

The group commissioned the study in hopes of displaying the benefits to Ohio's ailing economy of a boom in shale drilling, including the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

A team of economics, energy and geology experts from Cleveland State University, Ohio State University and Marietta College's Department of Petroleum put together the report.

It found that by 2014, about $4.9 billion would be invested in Ohio's economy by the industry; almost 66,000 jobs would be created or "supported" by industry growth; $433 million in local and state taxes would be generated; and energy companies would be paying wages and benefits totaling $3.3 billion.

Altogether, the industry will generate $1.7 billion for Ohio's economy this year, $5.8 billion next year, and nearly $10 billion in 2014, the research found. Gross state product could grow by 1 percent, a significant increase from the 0.6 percent average for the past 13 years.

"This really has the potential of being transformational," said Ned Hill, dean of the urban affairs college at Cleveland State University and one of the researchers.

State Rep. Robert Hagan, a Youngstown Democrat, said he is hopeful for the benefits that will come to his northeast Ohio region from the new industry -but the industry is moving too fast, and without checks and balances.

He announced Tuesday that he has gathered 1,500 signatures from his constituents - whose area has been struck by a series of 11 earthquakes potentially linked to high-pressure injection of fracking wastewater into the earth. The petitions seek legislative hearings on fracking. The practice stimulates gas production by blasting millions of gallons of chemically treated water into a well drilled horizontally through shale about a mile underground.

"We admit that it's moving, but we will not say that we are going to ignore the safety factors, the environmental factors," he said.

Ohio Department of Natural Resources spokesman Carlo LoParo said the state is tripling the budget of its oil Rig Jobs division this year, due to increased drilling activity.

"We will have more than 110 inspectors and field staff in our oil and gas division to make sure all laws and environmental regulations are observed and enforced," he said. Money for that endeavor comes from fees assessed on the oil and gas industry, he said.

Employment projections contained in the report include both new and "supported" Oil Field Jobs, 16,000 in the service sector. That sector includes hotels, restaurants, doctors and other personal services. It anticipates 1,000 environmental compliance officers, construction jobs

Douglas South gate, co-director of the Subsurface Energy Resource Center at Ohio State University, said the shale industry plays to Ohio's economic strengths, in the areas of manufacturing, plastics, and R&D.

Hagan, and fellow Democratic Reps. Mike Foley and Kenny Yuko are backing a proposal raising the state severance tax on recovery gas wells to 7 percent. The new rate would eventually raise proceeds from $2.6 million to $500 million. Some of that would be earmarked for local communities and alternative energy development.

Gov. John Kasich has called a moratorium within a 5-mile radius of a deep-injection well shut down after the Youngstown quakes, awaiting results of a state investigation into the cause. Deep-injection wells are for waste water, and are not the same as wells for exploring or Alberta Oil Careers.
Texas oil field jobs provider gains Ohio Job Creation Tax Credit

Texas oil field jobs provider gains Ohio Job Creation Tax Credit

Oil Rig Jobs -The Ohio Tax Credit Authority has awarded a 65-percent, seven-year Job Creation Tax Credit to Houston-based Baker Hughes, an oil field jobs provider, to build a $64 million facility in Massillon and create 700 full-time jobs.

The tax credit is believed to be the first incentive toward helping the company builds on a 108-acre site in the Northeast Ohio Commerce Park on Millennium Boulevard in Massillon. The company is projecting an investment of $564 million in the state. Talks with state, county and local leaders continue, however, and a deal has not yet been finalized.Securing oil rig jobs is also possible without experiences.

An Ohio Department of Development letter dated Feb. 8 shows that Baker Hughes plans to build a $40 million facility with $14.5 million worth of machinery. The letter to the city of Massillon also says that another $9.5 million will be invested in land development. Another $500 million of other investments are expected to be made in the state.

Initial projections show that 900 jobs would be created within three years, with an average hourly wage of $31.25.

The credit authority approved 18 statewide projects that will create more than 1,600 jobs. Baker Hughes’ project will by far create the most oil field jobs out of those approved Monday.

If you are looking to get started in the oil rig industry, Alberta Oil Careers are a great place to begin. To learn more about the oil industry, check out http://www.albertaoilcareers.com/oil-rig-job-information/.
Oil Rig Jobs -Oil prices force up industry

Oil Rig Jobs -Oil prices force up industry

Oil Rig Jobs -The oil and gas industry continues to provide high-paying jobs to nearly 1.3 million workers, both directly and indirectly. Companies have openings in every major sector of the industry, including production, natural gas distribution, refining, petrochemicals, oil field machinery manufacturing, and product wholesaling and pipelines, as well as office positions.

According to the Texas comptroller, employment in the oil and gas industry has risen by 15.6 percent, which is approximately an additional 20,000 jobs.

Healthy crude oil prices not only bring oil field jobs but also tax revenue for the state, schools and hospitals. The Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners estimates that Texas House District 72, which includes Tom Green, Coke, Mitchell and Scurry counties, produced more than 21,255,000 barrels of oil and 47,173,000 million cubic feet of natural gas this past year. The average value of both oil and gas production locally was more than $1.8 billion in 2011.

The comptroller said that oil and gas companies paid more than $8.5 billion in taxes both statewide and locally in 2010. Ad valorem taxes on producing mineral interest are levied at the county level in addition to state severance taxes. The Texas "Rainy Day Fund" is comprised almost exclusively of oil and gas taxes.

Hitting closer to home are the billions of dollars in oil rig jobs royalty revenues and lease bonuses. The latest University Lands lease sale turned in record lease bonus amounts with Concho Valley counties such as Schleicher, Reagan and Crockett leasing for around $5,000 per acre. Just a few years ago this same property was leasing for several hundred dollars an acre.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration expects the price of West Texas Intermediate crude oil to average about $100 per barrel in 2012, $5 per barrel higher than the average price last year. Natural gas prices will remain weak until we find new markets for increased demand.

This year, the federal government is likely to continue pressing hard for restrictions on industry operations. Proposed rules by the United States Environmental Protection Agency might continue to restrict oil and gas production.Securing oil rig jobs is also possible without experiences.

Also, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service could stop oil and gas activity if the agency elects to list certain species as endangered. More than 100 species found in Texas are up for federal review within the next five years, which could have significant economic consequences if they are formally designated as endangered.

As Texas continues to face severe drought conditions, water will be a key topic for discussion. With increased drilling activity comes the need for more water. However, regulators and industry leaders remain committed to closely monitoring the issue, and are discussing the best plans for future water usage.http://www.albertaoilcareers.com/oil-rig-job-information/ is a great resource for people interested in Getting Oil Rig Jobs. Learn an effective simple system that will teach you how to get Oil Rig Jobs guaranteed by clicking here: Alberta Oil Careers.
Oil Rig Jobs -SPE forum shows advances in oil and gas division

Oil Rig Jobs -SPE forum shows advances in oil and gas division

Oil Rig Jobs -The EuALF, hosted by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Aberdeen section, took place on February 22 and 23 at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centric. The forum saw 16 companies exhibit, an increase on previous years which demonstrates the importance of this niche sector in the future of the oil and gas industry. Over 200 delegates attended over the two days.

Region vice president and managing director of Apache North Sea, Mr. Jim House, was billed as keynote speaker. Mr. House discussed the need to leverage technology, the importance of collaboration amongst operators and contractors, the benefit of sharing experience and the part that artificial lift plays in creating value for stakeholders.

Delegates had the chance to see equipment and software developments in the industry and find out more about the tools, technologies and services being adopted in the sector.

Aberdeen-based ZiLift, an internationally focused innovative artificial lift company, presented and exhibited at the EuALF. The company, established in May 2009, develops technologies and systems which they intend will form the next generation of artificial lift for the global oil field jobs. ZiLift's innovative solutions will enable down hole pumping systems to be deployed where they presently cannot.

ZiLift’s technology director Kenneth Sears gave a presentation regarding the company’s Mag Lift technology, a 1.8” diameter gas well dewatering pump for deployment through 2 3/8 inch production tubing. The electric submersible pump system (ESP) which is currently in preparation for field trials later this year will eliminate the need for a rig during pump installation and retrieval operations in the field and can be used to economically de-water deep mature gas wells and enable production by retrofit installation through small diameter production tubing.Safety jobs are great opportunities for a potential career in oil rig jobs.

ZiLift also hosted an open evening (on Wednesday 22nd) at its Broad fold Road headquarters and manufacturing facilities to showcase the company’s technologies and capabilities to the artificial lift sector.

Cledwyn Hughes, EuALF conference chairman and senior production technologist at Apache North Sea said: “The 2012 European Artificial Lift Forum was a successful and informative event which gave those who attended the opportunity to share best practice, discussing technical papers and case studies and seeing the latest technologies in action at the exhibition.

“Artificial lift plays a significant part in global oil and gas industry. The increase in delegate numbers and exhibitors at this years’ event demonstrates how crucial this particular sector is and why it is so important that new and innovative solutions continue to be developed.”

Zenith Oilfield Technology, a global provider of artificial lift services to the oil and gas industry, also presented and exhibited at the EuALF. Zenith designs, assembles and supports industry leading solutions for the gathering and analysis of down hole data and the design of completions equipment.

The Aberdeenshire-based company launched a new electrical submersible pump gauge at the forum following successful trials in the Middle East. The gauge operates even when damage occurs on the motor cable which results in a ground fault and means operators will no longer have to deal with this problem without having well data to refer to. A white paper was presented detailing the trial results.

To find more information on how you can land Alberta Oil Careers check out Hunter Recruitment. You will find great resources to help you find a job in the oil and gas industry written by people who have actually worked on oil rigs themselves. Visit http://www.albertaoilcareers.com/oil-rig-job-information/ for the latest jobs in the oil Rig Jobs.
Oil Rig Jobs -Oil Company personnel Bakken Workers

Oil Rig Jobs -Oil Company personnel Bakken Workers

Oil Rig Jobs -The interest is high in Billings among people looking to work in the oil field jobs in eastern Montana and western North Dakota.

It was standing room only Thursday as representatives with Sanjel Corporation held a recruiting session. The Alberta-based oil company said it's always in need of mechanics, electronic technicians, office personnel, and other oil field workers. They hire about 25 new employees a week but lose about five a month. They said turnover remains high due to the demanding work and cost of living.Safety jobs are great opportunities for a potential career in oil rig jobs.

"Getting enough employees and moving them into the area; it's very tough," said Jared Severson, an electronic manager with Sanjel Corporation. "They see what it is once they get there, and a lot of them back out once they see how tough it really is to survive in the area."

Sanjel Corporation provides housing for employees and their families in the Bakken region along the Montana-North Dakota border. The company said starting salary is $60,000 to $70,000 a year. For more information about jobs in the oil Rig Jobs, contact Billings Job Service or click on Alberta Oil Careers.
Oil Rig Jobs -Breaking Monopoly of Foreign Players in Drilling Oil Rig jobs

Oil Rig Jobs -Breaking Monopoly of Foreign Players in Drilling Oil Rig jobs

Oil Rig Jobs -Nigeria’s oil and gas sector has recorded another landmark development with the recent statement by Oando Energy Services Limited (OESL) that it had deployed one of its swamp rigs, christened ‘OES Passion’ to execute a two-year drilling contract, valued at N12 billion for Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC).

The development was indeed an indication of a rapidly rising capacity of indigenous companies in the Exploration and Production (E and P) arena.

It was also a boost to the success recorded by another indigenous company on April 29, 2008, when United Arab Emirates-based oil and gas fabrication contractor, Maritime Industrial Services (MIS) Company Limited named the second offshore jack-up drilling rig, ‘SeaWolf Onome,’ which was built for Nigerian oil fields jobs.

Before this development, MIS had in December 2007 launched the first offshore jack-up drilling rig ever built in the Middle East region, the ‘SeaWolf Oritsetimeyin’.

SeaWolf Onome was named after the wife of the Executive Director and Co-founder of SeaWolf Oilfields Services, Mr. Remi Okunlola.

The two rigs were being built at MIS Sharjah shipyard under a $254 million contract for SeaWolf Oilfield Services Ltd, a Nigerian indigenous offshore drilling contractor.

SeaWolf Onome and SeaWolf Oritsetimeyin were originally contracted by Norwegian Mosvold Jack up Limited in 2006.

The first rig was handed over in February 2009, followed by the delivery of SeaWolf Onome in June 2009.
Both rigs are a Friede and Goldman Super Mod 2 design with 30,000 feet rated drilling depth and an operating water depth capability of 300 feet (92 meters).

Commenting on the rig, the Chief Executive Officer of SeaWolf Oilfield Services, Mr. Adolor Uwamu, said the entire new-build project met all of Sea Wolf’s requirements and expectations.

“Both rigs have progressed on time, on budget and according to schedule and this is a vote of confidence in MIS whom we hope to continue our relationship with,” Uwamu said.

Recent    Success    in    Rig    jobs:

on June 26, 2009, MIS confirmed that it had received acceptance of delivery from its client, Sea Wolf Oilfield Services of Nigeria and has received the Protocol of Acceptance and Delivery for the Sea Wolf “Onome” - MIS Hull 105.Safety jobs are great opportunities for a potential career in oil rig jobs.

According to a statement by MIS’s Corporate Communications Director, Rana Said, the SeaWolf “Onome”, along with its sister rig the SeaWolf “Oritsetimeyin” are both considered ‘first of class’ rigs as they are the first ever Friede and Goldman Super M2 design rigs to be delivered in the world and are ABS certified.

In February 2010, Sea Wolf Oil Rig Jobs finally made an entry into the country with three offshore jack-up rigs.

Two of the three jack-up rigs, ‘SeaWolf Oritsetimeyin’ and ‘SeaWolf Onome’, valued at $508million arrived the Nigerian waters on January 30, 2010 to join the third rig, Delta Queen, which had been in the country since 2009.

Commenting on the progress, Executive Director and Co-founder of SeaWolf Oil services Limited, Mr. Remi Okunlola, said: “The first of them, SeaWolf Onome, is today in the Addax operating location- that is the first Nigerian-owned rig to ever operate in Nigeria waters and I’m pleased to say that it is the newest jack-up rig in the world and certainly the freshest jack-up rig to ever work in our waters.”

The Delta Queen is working for Conoil Producing, while the ‘SeaWolf Onome’  worked for Addax on Oil Mining Lease (OML) 123, offshore Akwa Ibom.

Speaking during the celebration of the milestone achievements of ‘SeaWolf Onome’, after it successfully drilled and completed three horizontal production wells and was on the fourth well, the former Managing Director of Addax Petroleum, Mr. Xinmin (Phillip) Wu, said the landmark achievements of the drilling rig was a boost to the Federal Government’s quest for more indigenous participation in the oil and gas industry.

“We are celebrating today because Addax Petroleum has worked jointly with the owners and operators of the indigenously owned jack-up drilling rig, SeaWolf Onome in the last one and a half years, and especially in the last 10 months, to fulfill part of the national aspiration of having Nigerians meaningfully partake in the oil and gas business in the country,” he said.

SeaWolf Oritsetimeyin, which was initially stationed at the LADOL base along the Lagos Harbour, participated in five bids, and won two and has since been deployed.

Delta Queen was originally contracted by Norwegian Mosvold Jack-up in 2006.

Established in April 2007, the company is co-founded by Mr. Adolor Uwanu, an ex-investment banker with Morgan Stanley, and Mr. Remi Okunlola, ex-law partner, Perchstone and Graeys.

With the pedigree of these professionals, there is no doubt that the success of indigenous firms in the drilling rig business could also be attributed to the world- class experience of restless indigenous professionals and investors who had earlier succeeded in most challenging tasks while in the services of foreign companies.

Other Landmark Areas:

Apart from the drilling rig business, wholly- indigenous firms like Conoil Producing, Sogenal, AMNI International, Platform Petroleum, Niger Delta Exploration and Production, Britannia-U, Oando Exploration and Production, and many others have pushed through development stages to put some of their oil fields on stream, using local capacity and capability.

As more and more Nigerian professionals quit the services of foreign multinationals and float local firms to make in-road into the upstream business, it is becoming increasingly clear that indigenous firms only need a chance to prove their mettle.

With the recent success recorded in the rig business, Nigerian indigenous companies stand in the front row of the league of foreign rig service providers like Transocean.

In fabrication and construction, wholly-indigenous firms like LADOL, Niger dock and Dorman Long have set world records with jobs delivered in Nigeria with local technicians.

In oilfield services, Tilone, Oando, Weafri, Weltek, Waventures, Global Ocean and many others stand out with exceptional services, with Tilone Subsea Nigeria Limited as undisputed indigenous leader in the provision of Remotely-Operated Vehicles (ROVs).

Latest    Development:

With the recent success by Oando in the rig business, the company has no doubt moved further to become one of Africa’s fastest growing indigenous exploration and production firm with selective investment strategies that have seen it plug into streams of juicy non-operated assets, thus providing the firm with a variety of business models.

Oando’s latest drilling rig, OES Passion brings to three the number of rigs the company has in operation since the deployment of ‘OES Integrity’ in 2009 and ‘OES Teamwork’ in 2010.

However, OES Passion is a unique swamp barge with sequential well drilling capabilities and a skidding system that enable it drill up to six wells in one location.

The rig, which was formerly known as Parker 75, entered into service in 1999 and it is rated to 3000HP, an indication that it is able to drill up to 25,000feet in water depths of up to 16 feet.

The rig has a technical team that was 99per cent constituted by Nigerians, and several competent indigenous contractors.

Commenting on the rig, the Chief Executive Officer of OESL, Mr. Bandele Badejo, said the deployment of this rig further underlined the company’s commitment to ensuring competent indigenous companies take advantage of the provisions of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Development Act.

Also commenting, Group Chief Executive Officer, Oando Plc, Mr. Wale Tinubu, noted that the company’s business strategy of diversification and expansion into the upstream oil and gas sector was yielding positive results.

With the enactment of the Nigerian Content Act, Nigerian  indigenous exploration and production companies have strategist to pool significant production that have enhanced the country’s gross domestic product, job creation, crude oil revenue receipts, domestic capacity development, foreign direct investments and ancillary business opportunities.

To find more information on how you can land Alberta Oil Careers check out Hunter Recruitment. You will find great resources to help you find a job in the oil and gas industry written by people who have actually worked on oil rigs themselves. Visit http://www.albertaoilcareers.com/oil-rig-job-information/ for the latest jobs in the oil Rig Jobs.
Bakken Oil, Going to be approximately for Awhile, as it Heads West

Bakken Oil, Going to be approximately for Awhile, as it Heads West

Oil Rig Jobs -What the Bakken will mean to Montana’s future is in large part dependent on how much the technology can be adapted to changes in the formation that occur as it extends westward. The fact is the oil-rich shale of the Bakken extends all the way west to Glacier County in Montana, but the thickest point of the lower Bakken occurs east of the North Dakota border, which is also where “additional pay zones” are found in another formation called the Three Forks Sanish.

Both geographical formations become thinner as they extend into Montana, so investors might be forgiven if they decide to first invest on the North Dakota side, explained Tom Richmond, Administrator and Petroleum Engineer of the Montana Board of Oil and Gas. “This intense level of North Dakota activity changes the timing, but not the potential for significant Bakken development in eastern Montana,” said Richmond.

Richmond addressed the theme of the Montana Outlook Seminar, “Montana’s New Energy Frontier, What are the Prospects?” The Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana focused upon the subject of energy development because of its increasing importance to the state’s economy. It has been one of the primary reasons that the state has on average performed better than the nation and most individual states during the Great Recession.

Production of energy is becoming so important to Montana’s economy that BBER is creating a new market segment, in its analysis, just for energy. It will pull somewhat the data from other market segments such as manufacturing and mining, but it is expected to give analysts a better idea of what is happening in Montana’s economic base.

While there will always be cycles to the oil rig jobs and gas industry, Richmond told his Billings audience, but “the industry is going to be around for a whole lot longer.” And, he added, “There are a lot of reserves in the Bakken and certainly there are a lot of reserves in Montana.”

The development of the North Dakota Bakken has been dependent on technology changes that improved efficiencies, over how it was used when first applied in the Elm Coulee field in Montana. Those same technologies have returned to the Elm Coulee Oil Field jobs, bringing more effective completion techniques for infill and step out wells and the recovery of additional oil,” explained Richmond.

The technological advances have almost completely eliminated the risk of dry holes. Montana’s Elm Coulee Field currently has about 750 producing Bakken oil wells; during the process of development, only two dry holes were drilled. This “continuous resource” for the length and breadth of the Bakken formation is the reason for the success of the current play and the reason it is likely to continue as it moves westward.

While it is commonly lamented that it is Montana’s tax system that has curtailed development in the state, while it booms in North Dakota, Richmond pointed out that in terms of the direct tax on oil extraction, Montana’s tax rate is actually 20 percent lower than North Dakota. Montana’s rate is 9.25 percent compared to North Dakota’s 11.5 percent.Safety jobs are great opportunities for a potential career in oil rig job.

In addition, to the Bakken and Sanish, other geological formations in Montana loom as potential booms, including the Heath Formation in the north central of the state. It, too, is the subject of exploration and experimentation, but has yet to produce to levels that would qualify it as a boom.

The Montana oil and gas industry employs some 4,600 and generates an economic impact of more than $9 billion. The economic impact from producing one million barrels of oil includes the generation of 86 full-time jobs and $18.5 million in labor income. Each 10 percent increase in drilling activity leads to about 315 additional jobs.

From 2007 to 2011 the oil and gas industry in Montana generated $555 million in tax revenues for 33 counties. Rich land County got $244 million of that revenue ;which is over $26,000 per resident.Then more details for Oil Rig Jobs visit Alberta Oil Careers.This fully provide to Oil & Rig jobs.
Oil Rig Jobs and gas industry scrambles for experienced employees

Oil Rig Jobs and gas industry scrambles for experienced employees

Oil Rig Jobs and gas companies will continue to hire in 2012 and experienced professionals will be highly sought after for jobs, according to a report released from Oil Field Jobs, oil and gas job board with U.S. operations in Houston, and Air Energi, an oil and gas information provider.

The “Global Oil & Gas Workforce Survey” found that although the oil and gas industry is still struggling to find experienced professionals as more baby boomers retire, companies are looking at more innovative training solutions to help new employees. These solutions include more internship opportunities and mentorships.Safety jobs are great opportunities for a potential career in oil rig jobs.

In North and South America, the survey found that rig workers are in short supply, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico. As oil majors continue to invest in new projects, more Oil Rig jobs need to be filled.

“With increased exploration activity across all regions, a lack of suitably qualified labor will continue to remain a concern. Many companies, however, are now giving the long-standing skills gap their full attention, ensuring they have the capability to maximize the abundant opportunities on offer worldwide,” said Ian Langley, group executive chairman of Air Energi, in a statement.

To find more information on how you can land Alberta Oil Careers check out Hunter Recruitment. You will find great resources to help you find a job in the oil and gas industry written by people who have actually worked on oil rigs themselves. Visit http://www.albertaoilcareers.com/oil-rig-job-information/ for the latest jobs in the oil Rig Jobs.
Oil Rig Jobs- The Successful method to get a Good Paying Jobs

Oil Rig Jobs- The Successful method to get a Good Paying Jobs

Oil Rig Jobs -Whether the price of oil is on the rise or going down the need for employees in the oil drilling industry is still growing. Unlike many industries that seem to be suffering from a decline in the number of available jobs, there are still plenty of jobs available. The problem is that many people who are interested in this type work do not know how to find oil rig Jobs. Like most jobs that are located outside in distant countries there are steps you can take to help you secure the type of work you want and get the best possible pay for the jobs.

Be Prepared:

If you are really serious about finding oil rig jobs then you must be ready to do the kind of work that most people would never dream of and you must be ready to travel around the globe. Working conditions in the oil industry are rough and no matter what position you are look for you must be physically fit and ready for hard work.

With this in mind you should make sure that you have a current passport, all of your shots up to date and a well rounded resume put together. This does not mean that you have to have experience in the oil field jobs in order to secure a job on an oil rig jobs. What it does mean is that you need to have something to offer your prospective employers. Oil rigs are like small cities and they need people for many dissimilar types of work, from roustabouts to mechanics and from drill operators to cooks and housekeeping.

Do Not Limit Yourself:

When you are looking for oil rig jobs you should make it clear that you are willing to consider several different positions. While there are still abundance of positions available, you should not limit yourself to one or two specialties to give yourself the best possible chance to get hired. The most important qualification for this type of work is to be physically fit and you will have to pass a physical as well as a drug screening.Safety jobs are great opportunities for a potential career in oil rig jobs.

You will find that there are several top notch recruiting companies online that are used by the major drilling companies in the world. These sites not only do the first round screening, but can provide you with advice that covers what you need to know to get the best paying jobs. Many of them also cover how to get started for those who have never worked in this field before.

http://www.albertaoilcareers.com/oil-rig-job-information/ is a great resource for people interested in Getting Oil Rig Jobs. Learn an effective simple system that will teach you how to get Oil Rig Jobs guaranteed by clicking here: Alberta Oil Careers.
Oil Rig Jobs -Decision Drilling Oil Rig Jobs That Are correct For You

Oil Rig Jobs -Decision Drilling Oil Rig Jobs That Are correct For You

Oil Rig Jobs -When people talk about getting drilling oil rig jobs, it brings to mind hard physical labour in a rugged environment. Many oil rig jobs are exactly like this but there are many other aspects of rig work that do not involve drilling for oil or gas. A few examples would be catering staff, engineers and of course radio operators. You can get jobs in all these oil field jobs outside of the oil and gas industry but there is definitely a financial incentive to working on a rig jobs . Whether the rig is offshore or onshore, the salaries are great.

Let's take a look at the drilling oil rig jobs that are available for catering staff on an oil rig. At the top of the heap you'll find the position of camp boss. What this position entails is the full responsibility for catering requirements on the rig. If you hold this position you'll earn an average salary of $55 000. All the catering staff being the chef, stewards and night baker will report to you directly.

 Finally we get to the position of night baker. This position will earn you an average salary of $45 000, it seems like a lot, right? Well the reason is that the night baker is solely responsible for baking the bread for the rig for the next day. Safety jobs are great opportunities for a potential career in oil rig jobs.To put it mildly, no camp boss wants to explain to a hungry roughneck or roustabout why there is no bread available! Hence the great salary... it comes with a great responsibility. It is also a position that is strictly late night to early morning shift.

Another of the drilling oil rig jobs you may find suits you on an offshore rig, is that of radio operator. The average salary offered for this job is about $42 000. You'd need a radio operator's licence and your responsibilities would include keeping personnel lists for the rig. The role of radio operator is best suited to a people's person, mainly because you'd be the centre of all communication on the rig. You'd need to get on with everyone. A cool and calm personality is essential for this role as it involves all the logistics for emergency procedures.

To find more information on how you can land Alberta Oil Careers check out Hunter Recruitment. You will find great resources to help you find a job in the oil and gas industry written by people who have actually worked on oil rigs themselves. Visit http://www.albertaoilcareers.com/oil-rig-job-information/ for the latest jobs in the oil Rig Jobs.
Oil Rig Jobs Blowouts

Oil Rig Jobs Blowouts

Oil Rig Jobs -Have you been considering employment on an oil rig jobs? It is to your advantage to have some basic understanding of the danger complicated in this work. As you are better informed, you can determine if this is the right kind of working environment for you. A blowout is one of the most dangerous and expensive situations on an oil rig jobs. And drilling companies and personnel take every precaution to keep away from these human and environmental risks.

What is a blowout? 
Essentially, a blowout is an uncontrolled flow of gas, oil, or other formation fluids. They are the most tragic and expensive incidents in the fuel industry. An out of control blowout can gush thousands to millions of wasted barrels of oil field jobs. The expenses to the environment, loss of human life, and incurred business expenses are nearly immeasurable to all those involved.

How does a blowout happen? 
Drilling wells operate under tremendous pressure. This pressure is constantly monitored for the slightest changes. If there is a sudden change in pressure, hydrocarbons can flow unhindered at high velocity rates. If not slowed or stopped the hydrocarbons can ignite causing uncontrolled fires. It is this situation that is known as a blowout.

How do oil rig workers handle a blowout? 
Rig operators use highly trained personnel known as oil rig firefighters. The origins of this technology go back to Myron Kinley in 1923. He developed techniques for fighting oil rig fires, that became industry standards and pretty much have remained unchanged.Safety jobs are great opportunities for a potential career in oil rig jobs.

The basic firefighting technique is to remove fuel and oxygen. It is those two components plus heat or ignition that causes a fire in the first place. So Kinley's technique that has remained consistent through the years has been to remove two of the elements necessary for a fire. The goal is to snuff out a fire by removing fuel and oxygen. Dynamite blasting continues to be the primary means of accomplishing this task.

What role do the primary rig workers play in this situation? 
The primary concern is for the safety of all workers as well as the prevention of environmental damage and rig destruction. The personnel who have been trained and certified to fight these blowouts will have a hand in all activities. However, there are contracted companies that play the primary role in the extinguishing of these disasters.

What is the best preparation for blowouts? 
It is becoming increasingly common for people to have a variety of safety training courses. There are certifications that can be earned over time. There are schools that provide online training as well as on site training. It is common practice for rig workers to list on their resumes all certified training. These are generally accumulated over time as an individual works for various companies.

When considering a job on an oil rig jobs, it is important to keep in mind some of the dangers you may encounter. Though an oil rig jobs can be an extremely hazardous place, safety is the highest priority of companies. It is not to an employer’s advantage to take great safety risks and potentially throw money away. But it is to your advantage to keep these factors in mind as you are making plans for your future.If you are looking to get started in the oil rig industry, Alberta Oil Careers are a great place to begin. To learn more about the oil industry, check out http://www.albertaoilcareers.com.
Careers of Oil Rig Jobs

Careers of Oil Rig Jobs

Oil Rig Jobs -It continuously surprises people how many oil rig jobs careers are out there to choose from. The highly technical or the low-tech, oil field jobs can encompass a wide array of fields. You can find oil rig careers today doing just about anything that you might yearn.

Oil Rig jobs can include environmental engineers, responsible for working with the engineer, the driller and crew, as well as a lot of other fields and discipline in order to assure that the oil can be produced and gotten from the ground leaving minimum impact to the world around us.I am writing oil rig jobs Article -Safety jobs are great opportunities for a potential career in oil rig jobs Read It.

Drilling crews and the driller are those who are responsible for planning and implementing the actual production of the crude oil. It is their job to bring the oil up from the ground. Using various skills and techniques the driller will find the best and most efficient method that is available to get the oil out of the ground and to get it to the surface for transporting via truck or pipeline to the refineries.

Pipeline Engineers, responsible for the transportation of the oil to the refineries are also in great demand. The oil pipelines are transporting more than 60 percent of our oil to the refinery these days. Oil rig jobs on the pipelines are more in demand than ever before.

Today more than ever before oil rig jobs careers are up and coming. It is projected by the Labor department that the oil and gas rig jobs are going to rise steadily over the next five years and well into the future.

Getting the right job now could see you retiring earlier and having more time to spend with home and family. While oil jobs can be exhausting and exciting, they are also profitable enough that many oil rig jobs careers permit you to save money and to give up work far earlier than you otherwise might.

Oil rig jobs careers today are available on the water and on the land. Land based rigs are generally the best way to begin your career in oil drilling and petroleum production but there are other careers that you can have which are also in oil, but may not be directly on the rigs.

Pipelines and refinery also offer rewarding pay for the positions that you hold and are directly involved with the oil rig jobs. Oil pipelines need pump station operations, pipeline walkers, computer technicians as well as other types of positions.

Getting into the oil rig jobs careers isn't as difficult as it sounds. Using just a few of the simple resume techniques that you can learn in the Oil rig Jobs Guide digital books, you're going to know where to apply to, what area to look in and the best way to set up your resume to get the oil rig careers that you're looking for.
If you have the right stuff, we'll show you how to land one at the best Alberta Oil Careers website around.

Roughneck Job Openings on Oil Rig Jobs

Oil Rig Jobs -Roughneck job openings on oil rigs are continually being opened and filled by active men and women all over the world. If you have an interest in an oil industry career, you couldn't pick a more stable job in today's economy. What to consider if you want to get hired and finally...reliable resources you can use to fill a roughneck jobs opening as soon as this week.

First, a bit about maritime oil rigs and their crews:

The world needs oil, and Roughnecks make oil supplies possible. In return, these hard workers are compensated well, receiving a year's salary for only six months worth of work. But besides paid vacation and plentiful benefits, by getting hired on an oil rig jobs you won't be forced to do the same job forever...in fact, you will most likely advance through the levels of leadership fairly quickly, learning an invaluable trade looked at highly by other future employers. That is, if you ever decide to leave the profession.

Roughneck Job Openings on Oil Rigs Jobs

Here is a list of job openings you'd see on a maritime operation:

•    Roustabout
•    Roughneck
•    Tool pusher
•    Crane Operator
•    Scaffolder
•    Painter
•    Derrick man
•    Cook
•    Night Baker
•    Steward/ess

Because "roughneck" is a generic term used loosely to describe manual labor positions on a rig, it is helpful to understand the job description breakdown for entry level or semi-experienced oil workers. For example, a Roustabout is a brand new crew member, typically involved in deck maintenance and miscellaneous supportive jobs duties. A Roughneck is an actual term used to describe key members of the drill crew. They take care of the drill and ensure that it is working properly, along with other drilling related activities.Safety jobs are great opportunities for a potential career in oil rig jobs

Generally speaking, roughneck job openings are available regularly...but the competition is immense. On average, one thousand men and women search daily for roughneck job openings on oil field jobs.

The good news?

Only a handful of those folks actually figure out how to apply correctly (as rigs are looking for specific format and information)...and get hired within a matter of weeks. Others literally wait for years waiting for a response, assuming no jobs are available. This couldn't be further from the truth! Because new hires are constantly advancing through the ranks, new spots free-up rapidly Alberta Oil careers.
Oil Rig Jobs -How to Write a Killer Resume for Oil Rigs jobs On Top 5 Tips

Oil Rig Jobs -How to Write a Killer Resume for Oil Rigs jobs On Top 5 Tips

Oil Rig Jobs - Oil rig jobs are becoming extremely popular. Take one stressed economy and add salaries that are often more than double their aground counterparts, throw in 6 months holiday a year and you've got an attractive package, despite the sometimes difficult working conditions. Many skilled and unskilled workers are willing to give the rigs jobs a try and with their new found popularity; the only way to get oil field jobs on oil rigs jobs is to write a killer Resume.

Here are the top 5 tips on how to get your next  oil rig jobs:

1. The Cover Letter:
The cover letter is vital for getting your resume read. Make it precise and to the point. Your letter will be scanned over by the reader so the important information needs to jump out. That means what you're applying for, what you currently do and why you should be considered. Keep it brief, factual and enthusiastic, no-one is going to read an essay on how great you are but they will appreciate a keen, willing attitude towards securing a job.

2. Spell check:
Read and re-read everything you've written. Read it aloud if it helps. If it sounds stupid to you, chances are it will sound stupid to anyone reading it. Make sure your grammar is correct. You might not be applying for an office job but these things show care and attention that any potential employer will be looking for whatever the position.

3. Taylor your Resume to the job you're applying for:
This is crucial. Read the job requirements and research each part. Then list your experience of the requirements at the start of your Resume. You could even top your Resume with a 'personal statement' that includes the personal and professional attributes that they're looking for. The person that wrote that job ad may well be the one that's reading it so tell them what they wanted to hear in the first place.

4. Make it look great:
Once the spelling and grammar is checked, make sure everything looks good and is laid out so it's easy to read. A messy resume shouts 'can't be bothered'. Spend some time on this, you'll only have to do the template once and just change the words. If your computer skills aren't up to scratch get some help from the experts.A few instructions on how to secure Oil rig jobs.

5. Get professional help:
Getting jobs on oil rigs can be tough if you don't know what you're doing. Securing the help of an agency that does is absolutely vital in helping you get the job you deserve and Alberta Oil Careers.
Oil Rig Jobs -4 Costly Mistakes When Looking for on Oil Rigs jobs Don't Get Caught Out

Oil Rig Jobs -4 Costly Mistakes When Looking for on Oil Rigs jobs Don't Get Caught Out

Oil Rig Jobs -With rising unemployment onshore and a lift in the fortunes of oil companies  jobs on oil rigs jobs  are becoming increasingly popular. When you look at the perks - an average salary of $75,000 plus working only 6-8 months in every 12 - it's not difficult to see why jobs on oil field jobs have become so attractive. The more popular the job is, be it on or offshore, the more you're going to need to do to make sure you stand out from the crowds. Here are the top 4 costly mistakes made by people looking for jobs on oil rigs, plus how to fix them.

1. Making a one size fits all CV:
 Truth is, these stick out a mile. And with every job advertised being slightly different you may even find that you haven't highlighted any of the skills that the job requires even if you've actually had the experience that they're asking for. It takes time, but make sure you cover each point in the oil rig jobs ad off in your CV and cover letter. Those points will be the ones they're looking for.

2. Not doing enough research:
It's tempting once you've spent time on your CV and cover letter, to use the scatter gun approach and blast out your CV to as many companies as you can get the details for. Believe me, I've done it myself. And it got me nowhere. What did get me a job was careful research on the position and the company offering that position so that I could target my cover letter and use language and 'key terms' that would stand out to the person reading it.

3. Turning down a job because it's beneath your level of experience:
Getting a job on the rigs is much easier if you already have a job on the rigs. Going for a job under your experience level will not hurt you financially, in fact often far from it, and it will mean that you get a head start on that ladder.

4. Going it alone:
As tempting as it may be to type 'oil rig jobs' into a search engine and apply for as many as you can find, you're unlikely to get anywhere fast unless you have the help of an expert. They'll help you find out what companies are hiring, what companies take on new starts, plus forward your CV to the right contact at the right time. Get help from experts Alberta Oil Careers. It's worth the effort.
How to Get a High Paying Oil Rig Jobs in 72 Hours

How to Get a High Paying Oil Rig Jobs in 72 Hours

Oil Rig Jobs -With all the fresh layoffs for jobs around the world more and more people are compulsory to consider other industries to find employment. Right now there is no better place to find high paying employment than the biggest industry in the world, the oil industry.There are many different jobs in the petroleum industry such as entry-level labour, white collar, management, administrative.

To get a better understanding the oil rig jobs in broken into three sections: Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream.

Consists of oil exploration and production like drilling. There are many contractors in this sector who specialize in servicing oilrigs, drilling, manufacturing equipment, running seismic test, etc. Some of the big companies apart of the upstream sector are Shell and British Petroleum (BP)

This involves the transportation of the oil from production facilities usually with pipelines and oil tankers to the refineries. It also includes the refining of oil.

This is the part where the oil is sold as petroleum products to wholesales or via retail such as gas stations.

It does matter what type of jobs you are seeking whether it be physical labour, office or a higher level career with specialized knowledge most of the larger companies have operations in all three sectors. So you don't want to overlook companies like Chevron, Shell, BP, and the other major corporations

Not only are there many jobs available but as an employee of a major oil field jobs with increasing experience it can be possible to move around in different facilities in many different parts of the word.To get the right start and your foot in the door go to Alberta Oil Careers  for the right advice.

http://www.albertaoilcareers.com has been helping people gain employment in the oil industry. They offer you the best employment placement service for the oil industry available today.
Oando To Execute N12bn Shell Drilling Oil Rig Jobs Contract In Niger Delta

Oando To Execute N12bn Shell Drilling Oil Rig Jobs Contract In Niger Delta

Oil Rig Jobs -A subsidiary of Oando PLC an indigenous operator of swamp drilling rigs, has won a two-year drilling contract valued at N12 billion with Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) in the Niger Delta. According to a source close to Oando, the contract has saved a sizable amount of foreign exchange, and has generated over 200 direct and indirect jobs.

It is also a bold move by Shell to encourage indigenous companies and enhance the local content, some industry sources have said. OES Passion brings to three, the number of rigs the company has in its fleet as it is currently executing drilling contracts for some major oil companies in the Niger Delta.

OES Passion, as the rig is called, is a unique swamp barge with sequential well drilling capabilities and a skidding system that enables it drill up to six wells in one location. Formerly known as Parker 75, the oil rig jobs entered into service in 1999 and it is rated to 3000HP, and able to drill up to 25,000ft in water depths of up to 16ft.

With a technical team that was 99percent constituted by Nigerians, several competent indigenous contractors, and the refurbishment project undertaken at the Federal Lighter Terminal in Onne, Port Harcourt, this project is a testament of Oando’s support for the Nigerian Oil Field Jobs & Gas Industry Development Content Act and local capacity development programmed of the Federal Government.

To ensure optimal performance on deployment, OESL is committed to a comprehensive lifetime enhancement programmed after purchasing the rig in 2009. This upgrade included the restoration of the cantilever skidding system which is expected to save the client up to 30 days for every six wells drilled; thus, significantly reducing the overall cost of drilling campaigns. Also modernized were the mud pumps, the electric-motor driven engines, the top drive and the accommodation module.

According to Bandele Badejo, chief executive officer, “The deployment of this rig further underlines OESL’s commitment to ensuring competent indigenous companies take advantage of the provisions of the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Development Act. We remain resolute toward developing Nigeria’s upstream service industry and continue to set the benchmark for performance.

Following the success of our previously deployed rigs, built a reputation as the drilling contractor of choice among the major oil companies and we will not relent in our mission to be the upstream preferred supplier of choice as we strive to achieve better operating efficiencies and better safety performance for our clients and other stakeholders.”

Also commenting, Wale Tinubu, group chief executive officer, said: “Our business strategy of diversification and expansion into the upstream oil & gas sector is yielding positive results, thereby consolidating our leadership as Nigeria’s foremost indigenous integrated energy conglomerate.”

He said in 2011, “our upstream division accounted for approximately 33percent of the group’s profits and this year, we are committed to further increasing our footprint in the upstream sector as we help to meet the nation’s energy challenges. Subsequently, our fourth rig is billed to be deployed in the last quarter of 2012 in line with our resolve to increase earnings by maximizing opportunities in the upstream space.”

According to him, the contract is an affirmation of the company’s belief and indeed proof that indigenous companies can execute at world class levels. Alberta oil careers Passion, he said, brings to three, the number of rigs.
Nigerian content to create 10,000 Oil Rig Jobs, says Petroleum minister

Nigerian content to create 10,000 Oil Rig Jobs, says Petroleum minister

Oil Rig Jobs -THE Minister of Petroleum Resources, Diezani Alison-Madueke, has directed the Nigerian Content Development & Monitoring Board to strike out a deal with operating oil and gas companies in the evaluation of existing machine shops, dock yards, fabrication yards and other facilities as part of the measure of upgrading them to industry standards.

She observed that current  establishment of Longitudinal Submerge-arc Welded pipe mill in Yenagoa by Yulong Steel and planed longitudinally welded steel Mill in Abeokuta by Vigeo Steel will create over 10,000 direct and ancillary jobs and retain $700m in the Nigerian economy.

The projects, according to her, will create 3,000 training opportunities as well as other benefits to the Nigerian economy when completed by 2014. The minister explained that other investors have also expressed interests to establish pipe mills in Nigeria and their efforts must be supported by government.

Alison-Madueke, who gave this directive recently when she led chief executives of international oil companies on a facility visit to SCC Pipe mill in Abuja, observed that many existing facilities were underutilized and could be harnessed at reduced costs to support industry operations locally.

She told the operatives to submit the recommendations from the evaluation to her office before July 2012.

She commended the model used at SCC Pipe Mill whereby the facilities set up originally to manufacture water supply pipes were upgraded to service the Oil Rig Jobs and Gas Industry. SCC first manufactured pipes for Exxon Mobil which was installed on the company’s Edop facility offshore in 2011, thereafter opening the flood gates for current orders from Shell, Chevron and Agip.

She appealed to the firm to create awareness of its product to the oil and gas firms within Nigeria and abroad as part of the agenda to increase 350, from to 500 Nigerian workers.

She further explained that many other investors have also expressed interests to establish pipe mills in Nigeria and their efforts must be supported by government.

According to her, ‘Our role as government is to create the conditions that will stimulate and sensitize these investors. Investments in a few more pipe mills will increase capacity and create local competition which will surely improve quality, operational efficiency and drive costs down in the medium to long term.’

The minister is optimistic that the establishment of steel pipe mills in Nigeria is a viable venture given that the oil and gas industry demand is envisaged to grow to over a million metric ton per annul to serve the new Oil field jobs developments, Gas Master Plan and Gas Revolution Projects.

‘There will also be replacement of aging pipelines, brown field modifications, construction of new refineries and petrochemical plants which would require steel pipes,’ she added.

She reiterated the commitment of President Good luck Jonathan to the full implementation of the Nigerian Content Act and support for companies that invest in the establishment of targeted facilities where the Nigerian Content scope can be performed satisfactorily, adding:

‘Provisions of the Nigerian Content Act protect investments in facilities and disallow the industry from exporting work that can be done in-country. Local facilities must be accorded first consideration in line with the principles of the act.’

According to her, there is now a growing interest of original equipment manufacturers and investors to set up facilities in Nigeria while the market share of indigenous vessel owners had risen from less than $200m in 2009 to $1bn and local fabrication tonnage has also risen by 40 per cent to 54,000 metric tons per annul over the same period.

Madueke commended the chief executives of the operating companies and stakeholders of the industry for collaborating with the board and adhering to guidelines issued by the board, especially those relating to the domiciliation of equipment component manufacturing, expatriate quota management, utilization of indigenous marine vessels and indigenous rig ownership scheme. For more detail visit Alberta Oil careers.
Alberta's oil markets Expand now: oil execs

Alberta's oil markets Expand now: oil execs

Alberta Oil Careers -Expanding into Asian oil markets should be Alberta’s top priority, say to some oil rig jobs and gas officials.

More than 300 oil and gas group council gathered in Edmonton Thursday for the annual Alberta Industrial Heartland Association (AIHS) stakeholder update to discuss “oil and gas development from a global perspective.”

“Asia needs to be the priority. The U.S. will always be there,” said Dr. Robert Johnston, Director with Global Energy and Natural Resources.

Johnston comments came following questions about the newly rejected Keystone XL pipeline project that would ship Alberta crude to the Gulf of Mexico.

During his keynote speech at the meeting, Johnston encouraged diversification, saying Chinese markets are ripe for the picking.

“Asian markets, such as China, will serve as a magnet for Canadian energy exports, said Johnston.
While opposition critics have planned projects like Keystone and the Northern Gateway pipeline in favour of upgrading raw bitumen in Alberta, AIHS Executive Director Neil Shelly is looking towards working with Asian markets to develop market ready products here on Alberta oil Careers.

“We still have a very strong market in North America, but the future is really in the Asian markets and how do we meet their growing demand for materials,” said Shelly.

With the world population edging to seven billion people, and as developing countries continue to assume western living standards, demands for oil field jobs - like carpeting and car parts and fertilizer -are set to skyrocket.

It’s a reason why raw natural gas and bitumen should be made into products here in Wild rose Country, suggests Shelly.

“That not only adds the values here but it improves the technology and we also have control of some of the environmental factors as well,” he said.

AIHS board chair Linda Osinchuk agrees more raw resources can be upgraded in the provinces, however it’s not economically feasible to build the roughly 10 upgrade’s needed.

“We are at a process of encouraging careers mentor ship and entrepreneurs, so we can keep our jobs and cross section of our youth who are going from Alberta Oil Careers,” said Osinchuk.Based on Government of Alberta stats, in 2008 the province
Insider Tips to Finding Your First Job for Oil Rig Jobs

Insider Tips to Finding Your First Job for Oil Rig Jobs

Oil Rig Jobs -Even with the recent disaster in the Gulf, oil companies are still operating at full steam ahead. Why? The price of oil is so high; every new discovery can mean millions to their base line. Technology allows them to recover oil that was up to that time too expensive to produce. The profits mean their capitalization value increases exponentially. So how can an average Job get in on the spread?

Oil Rig jobs are not often the first thing someone thinks of when looking for a job. Sure, some people get college degrees in geology and physics. Others study seismology and computerized simulations but in the end, someone still has to do the dirty work.

Working on an oil rig jobs is physically taxing. An entry level applicant should be in great physical condition. Tasks include cleaning and painting or helping to move heavy tools or pipes. A general laborer may even be asked to assist a roughneck or driller who is further up the responsibility ladder. The good news is a Roustabout starts at $300 per day. The bad news is a work day can be up to 12 hours long.

Due to maritime law, the company must provide employees with a place to sleep while they are on the rig. The conditions can vary from basic sleeping rooms to the luxurious state rooms found on a ship. The company will also provide meals. Often the food on an oil rig is excellent. Remember, the company will make huge profits if the rig is successful. They don't mind diffusion it around a little bit.

A physically-demanding, hazardous position such as a Roustabout means it is easy to be over worked. With fatigue comes errors and on an oil field jobs, this can be disastrous. That's why most rigs only ask workers to spend 2 weeks at a time on the rig. After the two week "trip" is over, there is a two to three week break. This means the average worker will be off at least half the year. At the same time, they will be earning approximately $45,000 per year. Not bad for a job with no educational requirements and six months vacation.

Entry level jobs aren't hard to get if you know how. You can try your luck at Internet job sites such as http://www.albertaoilcareers.com or you can apply to many companies. The problem with this approach is you put yourself in with a lot of competition. Companies big enough to have websites like Exxon and Mobil use them to find high level positions like geologists and scientists. Most of the physical labor positions are done by subcontractors.

Work on an oil rig is specialized beyond the general laborer position so most employers work within the industry. There are specialized Internet sites that post resumes for oil companies to browse when they are looking for help. A much easier way is to find out which companies have openings and contact them directly. There are companies that call hundreds of oil companies weekly to inquire about job openings. When they find them, they send out an email or newsletter to their members so applicants can apply directly. There is usually a fee for this type of service but it’s generally less than one day's pay. ($300). You can sit around and wait for someone to call or you can take your future in your hands and call them directly. This seems to work best.

Dave Berger is a frequent traveler to and has lived in South East Asia. Many of his friends and peers are Americans who live in 3rd world countries and work on oil rigs where their standard of living is higher in relation to their wages. He has set up a website that offers a 90 day free trial for people looking for oil rig work. You can visit it at Alberta Oil Careers.

Getting Started In a New Career That Requires No Experience (Roughneck) for Oil Rig Jobs

Oil Rig Jobs -Have you been looking into rough neck oil rig jobs? Has the recession left you unemployed and struggling to make ends meet? There are a lot of oil rig jobs that require no experience.

The depression hasn't affected everyone the same. College educated people have fare fine as the Internet and computers have become more common place. For people in this category, the unemployment rate is only about 5%. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for people who work with their hands.

The depression has brought you to a decision point. You can either go back to school and learn computers or accounting and try to move into those areas that are still hiring but for many people, this is just not an option. Schooling costs money and let’s faces it; some people are just not suited for working behind a desk.

The problem may be that you are in the wrong industries. Many companies need workers that will do physical labor. Those bookworm types would not feel comfortable getting their hands dirty or working physically demanding jobs. Not only would they not feel comfortable, they would be too weak to do the oil rig jobs.
Oil Rig Jobs

Housing and factory work, the type of jobs that require physical labor are in decline. You need only turn on the TV to see stories about oil companies, oil spills and record oil company profits. This is an industry that is growing and will continue to grow as the world demand for oil increases. The question is,

You could apply to different oil companies. The problem you will run into is the big names you are familiar with like Chevron, BP and Shell Oil doesn’t build the oil rigs jobs. They employ production companies you probably have never heard of to build and man the rigs. If you are looking for oil vacancies, these are the companies you need to apply to.

You can hire an employment agency. They will end up costing you tens of thousands of dollars. It might be worth it to you to pay thousands of dollars to get into a high paying career but there is a cheaper way.

Many companies will mass submit your resume to new job postings every week. They call the companies to inquire about new openings so you always have the best chance of getting hired. The fees for these companies are very reasonable, usually less than $100.

For more information on getting oil work with high incomes and no experience, please go to Alberta Oil careers.
Oil Rig Jobs in the Western United States (US)

Oil Rig Jobs in the Western United States (US)

Oil Rig Jobs -The oil Rig jobs in the western half of the United States are mostly located in the states of Alaska, Texas and California. North Dakota and parts of Wyoming also have oil Field jobs but the first three states are the most often mentioned when considering jobs in this critical industry. Oil rig jobs are not just offshore, but they are also on land, where the geologic formations point toward presence of oil waiting to be drilled for and then pumped out and used.

The types of jobs available are pretty much the same as the Oil rig jobs for the most part. There are the roughnecks and roustabouts who handle the rough physical labor of drilling itself and those who operate the drill and see that all the supplies and equipment are there when needed. The geologists find the likely places where the oil is likely to be found and fairly easy to access. Their task is much easier because of the computer technology that has been employed in discovering the formation of the rock layers that might contain reservoirs where the oil is found.

There are different techniques employed by oil companies to extract the oil that is in the ground. One of these is the methods of drilling at an angle or level to take advantage of the lie of the ground in helping them to extract the oil jobs. This method has caused a renewed look at older sites to see if they can be more productive if the way of drilling is changed.

There are different jobs available in each of the areas, but it takes skill and experience to extract the 'black gold' from the ground and then refine it to be used for all manner of goods from the fuel for our machines to the plastics used in computer keyboards. Many oil companies like their entry level employees to have at the very least a high school education and some demand more than that. Oil rig work is hot, dirty and dangerous; the very kind of work that draws many men and women to try and see if they are tough enough to handle it. Some do, others find different work. Research the company you are planning on applying with. A good knowledge of the company is an asset when you go into the interview for the first time. Oil jobs generally start at the least, eighteen or nineteen dollars an hour with benefits.If you have the right stuff, we'll show you how to land one at the best Alberta Oil Careers website around.
How About Applying For Awesome Entry Level Oil Rig Jobs

How About Applying For Awesome Entry Level Oil Rig Jobs

Oil Rig Jobs -Now is a great time to be entering the oil and gas industry. We've been told by some that the oil and gas industry will be wounding back on staff as oil and gas are running out on the planet. Oil may be running out but from our perspective being the recruitment of oil and gas rig workers, the Oil Field Jobs is hot right now. As old oil fields close, the oil and gas companies are starting drilling on new oil fields. This is great news for rig workers because it means that there is years of work ahead. Interested yet?

If you've never worked on an oil rig before you're going to need to apply for an entry level oil rig jobs. This means you will be able to apply for the jobs of painter or cleaner on oil rig Jobs. Look, painter or cleaner on a rig may not sound exciting, but you need to start somewhere. Generally we recommend you start out on an onshore drilling job and then apply for a position on an offshore drilling platform.

The offshore rigs pay more, though they like a bit of experience. If you've set your heart on the bigger money then wait for an offshore position, and make sure the oil companies know that you will be prepared to take any position and also a temporary position. This way you get that sought after offshore drilling job experience
which you can use on your resume.

When you get that first awesome entry level oil rig jobs you can go out to celebrate as the money is good. Know that you may only have secured the jobs of painter or cleaner and a rig but that you, quite possibly, earn more than the guys in suits that work in offices back home. You'll be out there in huge seas, in all weather, add to that the great money and I promise you, you won't trade your offshore drilling job for any boring office job ,ever!
To apply for Alberta Oil Careers  check out who's hiring at http://www.albertaoilcareers.com

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